Automatic Summary
The Automatic Summary service is a tool allowing to get extrcative summary from a document. This tools is a rest service where the API is described in API section and the configuration file is described in Configuration section.
Automatic Summary API
Automatic Summary configuration
Example of Configuration:
"logger": {
"logging-level": "{{ project.loglevel }}"
"summarizer": {
"model-path-or-name":"{{ project.path }}/resources/modeling/net"
"network": {
"associate-environment": {
Automatic Summary configuration is an aggreation of network configuration, serialize configuration, runtime configuration (in field converter), logger (at top level).
Configure Automatic Summary Settings
Settings (in field summarizer) allows to configure some default behaviours of summarizer:
- settings/language: define summarizer language [en | fr]
- settings/min-percent: minimum summarizer size in percent
- settings/max-percent: maximum summarizer size in percent
- settings/use-cuda: use cuda device
- settings/cuda-device: device number (multiple graphic cards)
Configure Automatic Summary logger
Logger is configuration at top level of json in logger field.
Example of Configuration:
The logger fields is:
- logging-level
It can be set to the following values:
- debug for the debug level and developper information
- info for the level of information
- warning to display only warning and errors
- error to display only error
- critical to display only error
Configure Automatic Summary Network
Example of Configuration:
"network": {
"associate-environment": {
The network fields:
host : hostname
port : port of the service
associated-environement : default one. This field is not mandatory.
- "host" : associated "host" environment variable
- "port" : associated "port" environment variable
cert : certificate file
- key : key file
Configure Automatic Summary runtime
Example of Configuration:
The Runtime fields:
request-max-size : how big a request may be (bytes)
request-buffer-queue-size: request streaming buffer queue size
request-timeout : how long a request can take to arrive (sec)
response-timeout : how long a response can take to process (sec)
keep-alive: keep-alive
keep-alive-timeout: how long to hold a TCP connection open (sec)
graceful-shutdown_timeout : how long to wait to force close non-idle connection (sec)
workers : number of workers for the service on a node
associated-environement : if one of previous field is on the associated environment variables that allows to replace the default one. This field is not mandatory.
request-max-size : overwrite with environement variable
- request-buffer-queue-size: overwrite with environement variable
- request-timeout : overwrite with environement variable
- response-timeout : overwrite with environement variable
- keep-alive: overwrite with environement variable
- keep-alive-timeout: overwrite with environement variable
- graceful-shutdown_timeout : overwrite with environement variable
- workers : overwrite with environement variable
Automatic Summary service
To run the command type simply from tkeir directory:
or if you install tkeir wheel:
A light client can be run through the command
python3 thot/ --config=<path to summarizer configuration file> --input=<input directory> --output=<output directory> -m <minimal output summary length by block> -M <maximal output summary length by block> [-mp <minimal percentage of block length> -Mp <maximal percentage of text block>]
or if you install tkeir wheel: --config=<path to summarizer configuration file> --input=<input directory> --output=<output directory> -m <minimal output summary length by block> -M <maximal output summary length by block> [-mp <minimal percentage of block length> -Mp <maximal percentage of text block>]
Automatic Summary Tests
The Automatic Summary service come with unit and functional testing.
Summarizer Unit tests
Unittest allows to test Tokenizer classes only.
python3 -m unittest thot/tests/unittests/
python3 -m unittest thot/tests/unittests/