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Relation clustering

Relation clustering allows to create class on SVO extracted during the Syntactic tagging phase.

Relations clustering configuration

Example of Configuration:

    "logger": {
        "logging-level": "{{ project.loglevel }}"
    "relations": {
                    "associate-environment": {
                    "configuration":"{{ project.path }}/configs/embeddings.json"
            "semantic-quantizer-model":"{{ project.path }}/resources/modeling/relation_names.model.pkl",
        "network": {
            "associate-environment": {

Relation clustering configuration is an aggreation of serialize configuration, logger (at top level). The clustering configuration allows to define embedding server access and clustering algorithms settings:

  • algorithm: ["kmeans","spericalkmeans" (Not yet available)],
  • number-of-classes: number of cluster classes,
  • number-of-iterations: number of kmeans iterations,
  • seed:kmeans seed
  • batch-size: we use mini batch kmeans, the batch size if the number of vectors send for partial fit,
  • embeddings : embedding server network information (host and port) or aggretion (server-less)
  • server : server configuration
  • aggregation : path to embedding configuration file

Configure Relations clustering logger

Logger is configuration at top level of json in logger field.

Example of Configuration:

logger configuration
    "logger": {
        "logging-level": "debug"

The logger fields is:

  • logging-level

It can be set to the following values:

  • debug for the debug level and developper information
  • info for the level of information
  • warning to display only warning and errors
  • error to display only error
  • critical to display only error

Relation clustering tool

To run the command type simply from tkeir directory:

python3 thot/ --config=<path to relation configuration file> -i <path to file with syntactic data extracted> -o <path to output folder>