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From Zero to Hero: Create Quickly a ready to run application


This section describes the step to create a full information retrieval engine.

Pre-requisite : run the installation part

Go in installation section and run it. Do not forget to create your project configuration with "" and initialize the models with "". These steps allows to configure T-KEIR.

Prepare T-KEIR and demo

You have to run the installation. It will set up configurations and models.

You have to edit the configuration files:

  • indexing.json : change fields text-index, nms-index and relation-index by replacing "default-" by "drug-". Change elastic search host to "localhost" and set use-ssl to true.
  • search.json : change field document-index-name by "drug-text-index". Change elastic search host to localhost.

Finaly, edit the file tkeir/runtimes/docker/docker-compose-opendistro.yml to change, if necessary, the path of the index. By default it is /data/index the path have to be readable and writable for user running docker. Then run

#> docker-compose -f docker-compose-opendistro.yml

Take care to the error display by opendistro, sometimes there is user rights issues.

For the demo, all is scripted, just go into demos/quickstart/ and run or edit

Analyse and index your document

T-Keir depends on Opendistro. We propose a docker compose file to pull and use Opendistro. For this demo, this part of software will be automatically run in docker compose environement. Do not forget to setup TRANSFORMERS_CACHE : path to models

To analyse and index document prepared in previous step, you have to run script from tkeir directory:

python3 thot/ -c <PATH TO YOUR OUTPUR CONFIGURATION>/project/configs/pipeline.json -i <PATH TO QUICKSTART FOLDER>/data/tkeir -o <PATH TO QUICKSTART FOLDER>/data/tkeir-out

or if you install wheel:

tkeir-batch-ingester -c <PATH TO YOU CONFIGURATION FOLDER>/pipeline.json -i <PATH TO QUICKSTART FOLDER>/data/tkeir -o <PATH TO QUICKSTART FOLDER>/data/tkeir-out

After this process, all documents will be indexed. You can query Elastic Search with the following command:

curl -k https://admin:admin@localhost:9200/drug-text-index/_search | json_pp

Run Search Service

Firstly run Q/A system:

python3 thot/ -c <PATH TO CONFIG>/qa.json

or if you install wheel:

tkeir-qa-svc -c <PATH TO CONFIG>/qa.json

Check health:

curl http://localhost:10011/api/qa/health

Secondly run search service:

python3 thot/ -c <PATH TO CONFIG>/search.json

or if you install wheel: -c <PATH TO CONFIG>/search.json

Check health:

curl http://localhost:9000/api/searching/health

Finaly, on full version only (not available for OSS version) run web interface (in tkeir/thot/web/directory):

set path to web interface :

python3 thot/web/ runservice --insecure

To visualize a search request you can open firefox on http://<host of web server>:8080/search