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Tested environments:

  • ubuntu 20.04
  • Almalinux 8

Installation Pre-requist : prepare T-KEIR

Prepare environment

  • install git
Example under ubuntu
#> sudo apt install git
Example under almalinux
#> sudo dnf install git
  • install wget
Example under ubuntu
#> sudo apt install wget
Example under almalinux
#> sudo dnf install wget

When python and pip package manager are installed you can simply run:

Example under ubuntu
#> sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
Example under almalinux
#> sudo dnf install python3
#> sudo dnf install python3-pip
Example install poetry
#> pip3 install poetry
  • clone repository
Example of repository clonning into 't-keir-oss' directory
#> git clone t-keir-oss

T-Keir Directory structure

  • app/bin : scripts and tools for server execution
  • app/projects : projects templates (use by T-Keir to create user configuration file - do not edit or modify)
  • docs : buildable documentation
  • runtimes/docker : docker environment
  • tests : internal unit tests
  • thot : tkeir source code

Python environment

T-KEIR is a python software, python >=3.8 and poetry are necessary for an installation from gitlab/github. Otherwise and from Thales environnement only, you can install by using pip command. The last way is to use docker


Optionnaly, to run the documentation server go in directory tkeir and run mkdocs server :

Example of mkdocs installation under ubuntu
#> sudo apt install mkdocs
Run the documentation server with mkdocs
mkdocs serve

Installation running

T-Keir provides a script to install all in one time (section Quick installation with script). Alternatively and for expert, you can follow the step by step installation (section Step by step).

[RECOMMANDED] Quick installation with the installation script

The 'quick installation script' is in the root of T-Keir directory. As pre-requisite you have to make sure wget is installed.

After git repository cloning.

Install T-Keir
#> ./ $HOME/mytkeir

The script will install T-Keir in repository '$HOME/mytkeir' in a dedicated python environment ('$HOME/mytkeir/tkeirenv'). Notice that this installation will also install ElasticSearch as a third party tool.

[EXPERT] Step by Step

After git repository cloning.

Build a python wheel package:
#> poetry build

A wheel file will be created in "dist" directory. Then you can simply run a pip install on the created wheel. Note that is highly recommanded to run wheel installation in a python virtual environment.

Install from Wheel

You can directly install T-Keir from weel:

Go in "dist" folder (created by poetry - under t-keir-oss directory created by github cloning)

Create a python virtual environement:
#>  python3 -m venv $HOME/tkeirenv`
Activate you environement:
#> source $HOME/tkeirenv/bin/activate
Install the Wheel:
#> pip install <FILE_NAME>.whl

Troubleshooting : if there is a problem with pycurl install libcurl4-openssl-dev and libssl

E.G under debian/ubuntu:
#> sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev

Install T-Keir with a docker image

You could build the docker base image. This image contains os and python dependencies and code of search ai with one entry point by service. The wheel package will be created, so you should ensure poetry is installed and in running path.

Go in tkeir/runtimes/docker directory and run the following command:

#> ./

Configure the services

T-Keir provides a script to automatically generate configuration file:

  • PATH_TO_TKEIR : to the the name of directory containing t-keir (the clone of github, in this installation guide it is t-keir-oss)
  • PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUR_CONFIG_DIR : this is your workspace space (where you configuration files are created and stores, where there are your model)
  • PATH_TO_YOUR_SHARE_DIRECTORY_OR_VOLUME_NAME : share directory need by docker to communication with host
Command lines
python3 tkeir/thot/ -t <PATH TO TKEIR>/tkeir/app/projects/template/ -o <PATH TO YOUR OUTPUT CONFIG DIR>

or if you install T-Keir wheel:

tkeir-init-project -t <PATH TO TKEIR>/tkeir/app/projects/template/ -o <PATH TO YOUR OUTPUT CONFIG DIR>

When you work with a docker you can use a share directory or a volume (to make configurer persistent).

docker run --rm -it -v <PATH TO YOUR SHARE DIRECTORY OR VOLUME NAME>:/home/tkeir_svc/share -w /home/tkeir_svc/tkeir --entrypoint python3 theresis/tkeir /home/tkeir_svc/tkeir/thot/ -t /home/tkeir_svc/tkeir/app/projects/template -o /home/tkeir_svc/share
Initialize/Load the models

When you build you docker volumes containing model and default configuration are automatically generated. To update the configuration you can go into directory app/bin and run the command:

./ <PATH TO YOUR OUTPUT CONFIG DIR>/project/configs  <PATH TO YOUR OUTPUT CONFIG DIR>/project/models

Or from docker

docker run --rm -it -v $host_dir:$docker_dir -w /home/tkeir_svc/tkeir --entrypoint bash $tkeir_img /home/tkeir_svc/tkeir/app/bin/ $docker_dir/project/configs $docker_dir/project/resources/modeling/net/


  • host_dir is the variable containing the path to the shared host directory
  • docker_dir is the variable containing the path to the shared docker directory
  • tkei_img is the name of the image

Note, that the environment variable TRANSFORMERS_CACHE HAVE TO BE always set to model path before run a T-Keir service using models.

Take care of proxies. Please set correclty $HOME/.docker/config.json like that:

        "httpProxy": "your_http_proxy",
        "httpsProxy": "your_https_proxy",
        "noProxy": "your_no_proxy"

For a docker compose network environment, don't forget to add tkeir opendistro hostname and all services in no_proxy.

Copy or create data

T-Keir comes with default configuration file. Nevertheless you can modify or add file. Most of them are configuration (see configuration section).

Index mappings

Index mapping is store in RESOURCES_DIRECTORY/indices/indices_mapping. if you create new mapping it MUST contains the same fields. You can freely change the analyzers.


The resources are stored in RESOURCES_DIRECTORY/modeling/tokenizer/[en|fr...]. This directory contains file with list or csv tables. The descriptions of these file are in CONFIGS/annotation-resources.json